
Mask of Gonda

The Gonda mask ring was born from the creativity of Björn Weckström in 1969. He got inspiration for the Gonda mask from the Aniara opera composed in 1959. The opera is based on the work written by the Swedish Nobel writer Harry Martinson in 1956, translated into Finnish by Aila Meriluoto. In Aniara, we travel towards unknown constellations.

Gonda's mask is part of Weckström's Space Silver collection, whose most famous pieces are the Planetary Valleys necklace, known as Princess Leia's jewelry, and the Darina's bracelet. In addition, the series includes the Galactic peaks necklace, Galactic wind and Gelo earrings, Shuttle ring and Cataract bracelet.

Björn Weckström was inspired by Neil Armstrong's first man landing on the moon in 1969, and the Space Silver collection was born from that. Get to know Björn Weckström as a designer and jewelry artist.

1 product

Gondan naamio -sormus – Kalevala-koru
Mask of Gonda Ring

Mask of Gonda Ring

Regular price 355,00 €
Regular price Sale price 355,00 €
Björn Weckström